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Syria Chemical Weapons Report To Be Released Monday

Shoko Oda |
September 15, 2013 | 7:17 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

(Ake Sellstrom, head of the chemical weapons team in Syria, hands the report to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon / Paulo Filgueiras via UN News Centre)
(Ake Sellstrom, head of the chemical weapons team in Syria, hands the report to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon / Paulo Filgueiras via UN News Centre)
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon received the report concerning the use of chemical weapons in Syria today, reported UN News Centre.

The report was filed just a day after US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov planned out procedures Syria must follow to eliminate its chemical weapons. Members of the Security Council are now working to create a resolution that will allow the process to be under review, stated CNN

SEE ALSO: U.S. And Russia Reach Agreement On Syrian Chemical Weapons

SEE ALSO: 5 Important Elements Of Kerry And Lavrov's Syria Talks

President Bashar Assad's regime and the Syrian rebels have both alleged each other of utilizing chemical weapons in the town of Ghouta, Syria, on August 21. Both the US and Russian government have agreed that such attack did occur. 

UN inspectors dispatched to investigate the claim went into Syria with the goals of confirming the use of chemical weapons as well as identifying the agent used. Clarifying which side launched the attack was not part of their motives. However, according to ABC News, the paper "will reportedly suggest that only Assad's military has the capability to carry out such a wide-scale strike".

Ban anticipates briefing the report to Security Council on Monday in a closed-door session. He is also expected to brief the General Assembly on the report. 

The report is also expected to be available tomorrow morning here

Reach Executive Producer Shoko Oda here



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