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Investigation Into Navy Yard Shooter's Motive Continues

Tahsin Hyder |
September 19, 2013 | 11:42 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Authorities are looking into all personal relationships Aaron Alexis held before ending the lives of 12 people during this Monday's shooting.

Friends of Alexis have come forth with details about his mental state before Monday’s shooting. Alexis’s most recent employment was with a subcontractor for Hewlett Packard, called The Experts. CNN confirms his work took him to Japan last year, where he was responsible for refreshing computer equipment. After Alexis returned, his former roommate Michael Ritrovato said he was frustrated with the company over compensation. Another friend confirms these same frustrations towards The Experts. Still, they were shocked to learn that it was him who was responsible for the shooting. 

SEE ALSO: D.C. Navy Yard Shooter: 10 Things We Know

His behavior in the last month, however, point to signs of a paranoid man unable to sleep or manage his emotions.  The Washington Post explains Alexis made two visits to the emergency rooms of two different Veteran’s Affairs Hospital’s for insomnia. Doctors from both visits prescribed Trazodone, an antidepressant used to help with insomnia. 

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs said in a memo that Alexis was asked during his visits “if he was struggling with anxiety or depression, or had thoughts about harming himself or others, which he denied.” Alexis denied having anxiety, but had just two weeks before called Rhode Island Police claiming he heard voices and suspected someone was sending vibrations through the walls of his hotel room.

U.S. News reports, "Military officials acknowledged that Alexis has disciplinary issues including absense without permission, insubordination and disorderly conduct."Knowing these facts along with evidence of a history of violence, Alexis was still granted security clearances for the Navy Yard based on a five-year-old background check, confirms the LA Times.

Officials continue to piece together this information along with other reports coming out over the next few days concerning Alexis’s motive. 

Read more on Neon Tommy's coverage of the Navy Yard shooting here.



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