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D.C. Navy Yard Shooter: 10 Things We Know

David Tobia, Syuzanna Petrosyan |
September 16, 2013 | 4:09 p.m. PDT

Executive Producers

Aaron Alexis (FBI)
Aaron Alexis (FBI)

1. Aaron Alexis, 34, a native of New York City, regularly attended a Buddhist temple in Fort Worth, Texas after he left the Navy in 2011.

2. Alexis meditated twice a week at the Wat Busayadhammavanaram Meditation Center. An assistant monk at the temple described Alexis as "a quiet person" who seemed "very aggressive." "He did not like to be close with anybody, like a soldier who has been at war," J. Sirun told The Washington Post.

3. Alexis also told police he was present during “the tragic events of September 11, 2001″ and described “how those events had disturbed him.” Detectives later spoke with Alexis’ father, who lived in New York at the time, who told police Alexis had anger management problems associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and that Alexis had been an active participant in rescue attempts on September 11th, 2001.

4. Alexis was awarded the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the National Defense Service Medal, two common awards for military personnel.

5. Alexis entered the Navy in 2007 and earned the rank of aviation electrician's mate 3rd Class by 2009.

6. Alexis had been arrested in 2004 for shooting out a car's tires in what he later told detectives was an angry blackout.

7. Alexis was arrested in 2010 for illegally discharging a firearm when he fired a shot through his ceiling and nearly struck his upstairs neighbor in the foot. Alexis told police he had been cleaning his gun when it inadvertently fired into the ceiling, but the woman in the apartment above said she thought the shot was intentional and that Alexis had confronted her about noise in the past.

8. Alexis has worked as a waiter and deliveryman at Happy Bowl Tai in the past, a Thai restaurant in Fort Worth, Texas. The owner of the restaurant, Nutpisit Suthamtewakul, described Alexis as "my best friend" and said although Alexis did have a gun, Suthamtewakul didn't think Alexis would ever kill anyone. Alexis also spoke Thai (the language of many other temple worshippers) and according to an acquaintance, Alexis had recently traveled to Thailand for a month.

9. Alexis' friends say he left the Navy because he didn't like to get up early and felt he was underpaid, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

10. Alexis spent nearly four years in the Navy as a full-time reservist from May 2007 until he was discharged in January 2011, according to a summary of his personnel records released by Navy officials at the Pentagon.


Reach Executive Producer David Tobia here or follow him on Twitter.

Reach Executive Producer Syuzanna Petrosyan hereFollow her on Twitter.



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