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Pro-Morsi Supporters Rally in Cairo

Syuzanna Petrosyan |
July 12, 2013 | 5:07 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Photo by Timna Medovoy, Neon Tommy
Photo by Timna Medovoy, Neon Tommy
Supporters of Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood have been protesting in the Nasr City district in Cairo. The thousands of demonstrators waved pictures of ousted president Morsi and chanted anti-military slogans. The crowds called the country’s army chief, Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, a traitor for removing Morsi. 

Earlier in the day, the pro-Morsi protesters announced that they would march to the presidential palace, but they were blocked by the army. 

In the meantime, prominent anti-Morsi groups such as Tamarod (Rebellion), the National Salvation Front and the June 30 Steering Committee called or a gathering in Tahrir Sqare and in front of the Presidential Palace.

In order to maintain security and ensure that rival gatherings do not clash, the army has announced a large-scale deployment across Cairo. 

The Muslim Brotherhood has promised to keep the demonstrations until Morsi is reinstated as president. Much of the group’s leadership has been detained by the army. 

UN’s Ban Ki-moon has raised concerns about Morsi’s detention who is said to be at a “safe place.” The United States has also called on the military to free Morsi. 

See all Neon Tommy coverage of Egypt.

Reach Executive Producer Syuzanna Petrosyan hereFollow her on Twitter. 



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