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Obama Defends Surveillance Program

Helene Imperiale |
June 7, 2013 | 12:16 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

In a press conference that was suppose to be about health care reform; President Obama took two questions about the government surveillance programs, delivering around a 14-minute answer. Obama stated, “Nobody is listening to your telephone calls, that’s not what this program is about.”

Obama explained that the program is designed to analyze the length of calls and phone numbers. If something on this data seems to be of concern, and further action is needed such as listening to the phone call, a federal judge must authorize the action as with any other kind of criminal investigation. Obama emphasized that “no names or content” was shared. Only metadata of phone call durations and phone numbers.

Additionally, President Obama defended the NSA surveillance program stating that Congress was well aware of the programs since 2006. These surveillance programs, as President Obama described are overseen under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance  Act and by Congress.

 ALSO SEEVerizon Ordered To Give Millions Of Records On Customers To NSA

In addition to the surveillance of telephone calls, President Obama also addressed the Internet and e-mail program. He explained that this has not been implemented in the United States or affected any US Citizens. Congress was also made aware of this program and it is also authorized by FISA.

President Obama emphasized that a bi-partisan majority voted on these programs.

The issue of government surveillance raises bigger questions over national security and privacy. A conversation that Obama hopes to continue over the coming years.


Reach Executive Producer Helene Imperiale here. Follow her here.



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