Sony Reveals First Glimpse At PS4
READ MORE: Sony Kick Starts The Next Gen
With the Playstation 4 already announced earlier this year, fans have been waiting and guessing what the next bit of information may lead to. Early on May 20th, the company released a YouTube teaser containing images of their recently announced system. As with most teasers, the images fly by in the 40 second video so it’s difficult to get a good look. Here’s some speculation on what these images could lead to:
For one, the system is black. Nothing new there as Sony usually goes with the sleek color choice to start. As for the design, it remains somewhat box-like, stepping away from the curvature of the PS3.
Instead, the quick-flash close-up images show a rather edge-filled design combining the look of modern architecture with the technology of Tron Legacy. All of this is painted in a mixture of gloss and non-gloss material, and plenty of exhaust vents.
At the end of the teaser, the PS4 logo appears with the date June 10, and the time 6:00pm. That’s the time you’ll want to pay attention to as we finally get to see what the console really looks like.
As to what the new features will include based on previous announcement, the console will include a new Playstation 4 Eye, which tracks the movement of the controllers as well as the faces of respective players, allowing a dynamic screen-sharing experience and face-recognition login, and new Dualshock 4 controllers that will no longer have Start or Select buttons, but rather an Option and Share Button. There will also be a Playstation Vita-style touch pad as well. READ MORE: Sony's New Playstation Announcement However, while the PS4 offers its first glimpses, Microsoft also plans to unveil the new Xbox this Tuesday May 21st at 10am and there are still rumors about Valve's Steam Box possibly making an appeareance. The console wars are about to get much more interesting.
You can reach contributor Will Cherry here and follow him on twitter here.