Sony's New Playstation Announcement
Technically this video could just be an announcement for a new Playstation Home or the fact that you can buy games through the PSN on your computer. Despite those ideas, the popular consensus seems to be that Sony is finally announcing the Playstation 4, the follow up to the Playstation 3 of course.
Although Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai told The Times “Why go first, when your competitors can look at your specifications and come out with something better.” It appears that Sony may have grown impatient and are instead going to move forward before Microsoft reveals anything about their “Xbox 720”.
Even before the possible announcement of PS4 the rumor mill has been churning out speculation about the PS4. There has been the claims of the PS4 ditching the Dualshock or that the PS4 will allegedly be capable of supporting 4K resolution.
If Sony does wind up revealing a PS4, this will be at a fairly tumultuous time for video game consoles. The Wii U has not sold as well as expected, as Nintendo has cut their sales projections of 5.5 million units down to 4 million units. Sony must either be hoping they can take advantage of Nintendo’s troubles or are really sure about their hardware. Although that also was what Sony tried to do with the Vita and that failed to gain much traction.
Again as of this moment this is all conjuncture but then again the announcement video ends at 44 seconds, perhaps that is a sign?
Reach Contributor Roger Aguirre here.