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Daily Hollywood – New Civil Wars Album, ‘Transformer 4’ Villain, And More

Lilian Min |
May 2, 2013 | 1:46 a.m. PDT

Music Editor

(Daily Hollywood/Neon Tommy)
(Daily Hollywood/Neon Tommy)
Daniel Radcliffe continues doing whatever the f*ck he wants in term of film roles by signing on to “Tokyo Vice,” which is about an American crime reporter who covers crime in Tokyo—and gets entangled with the yakuza. You go, Potter. (Deadline)

According to the screenwriter for “Snow White and the Huntsman,” there could be a trilogy centered around this story. Yes, because the interest in the franchise rests solely on the shoulders of the first film itself, right? (Vulture)

Lily Collins, she of the amazing eyebrows, is attached to star in the “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” film adaptation because “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” did sooooo well and people aren’t over those kinds of mashup novel concepts. (The Hollywood Reporter)

The Civil Wars are reportedly at work on a new album, despite not being over whatever it was that split them apart in the first place… kind of like the North and the South during Reconstruction, am I right (sorry, but the name is just a little too perfect). (EW)

Kelsey Grammer’s going to be the villain in “Transformers 4” (that’s right, 4) because what’s more exciting than watching giant robots fight!... a human. No, that’s probably not what’s going to go down, but still. (The A.V. Club)

Reach Music Editor Lilian Min here. Follow her on Twitter here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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