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Texas Police: High Alert After DA Murder

Jacqueline Jackson |
April 1, 2013 | 11:53 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer


Mike McLelland | Kaufman County Website
Mike McLelland | Kaufman County Website
The state of Texas is on high alert in Kaufman County after Mike McLelland, a District Attorney and his wife were found dead Saturday night. The shootings came only two months after McLelland's assistant district attorney was killed in a parking lot on January 31. Authorities are still investigating the January shooting and strongly believe that all three killings are linked to a white supremacist gang. However, without evidence to tie the organization to the killing police are currently

Judge Bruce Wood told a Kaufman County Judge told USA Today:

"We're still in shock," he said. "I guess that's the best way to describe our feelings about this latest incident. I've searched all weekend to think of the right word to describe and I can't come up with a single word. 'Unbelievable, this really didn't happen,' but it did. This whole thing is shocking to all of us."

As the county mourns and investigators try to search for evidence Kaufamn County has placed multiple county officials on security protection. According to the Houston Chronicle Harris County District Attorney Mike Anderson and his family are on 24-hour security patrol. 

In December the Texas Department of Public Safety warned in a bulletin to authorities that there was credible information received that the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas was planning to retaliate against law enforcement.

There are few leads in all three cases but authorities are working continuously on the investigation.The FBI is also searching for any clues that could tie these killings to the shooting death on March 19th of Tom Clements the Colorado prison chief.

To learn more about the killing of McLelland and his wife visit here.

Reach Executive Producer Jacqueline Jackson here.



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