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Senate Will Debate Gun Control Bill

Briana Goodall |
April 11, 2013 | 11:56 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The Senate's side of the Capital Building in D.C. (Wikimedia Commons)
The Senate's side of the Capital Building in D.C. (Wikimedia Commons)
The Senate voted 68-31 Thursday against the Republican filibuster effort, opening the door for debate on gun control legislation. 

The bill would expand background checks to more gun buyers, form a national commission on mass violence, create a federal gun trafficking statute and enhance school safety measures. According to the Huffington Post, 60 votes were required to pass the procedural motion. If those votes had not been attained the Senate would have not have been able to debate the package. 

ALSO SEE: Senators Announce Bipartisan Agreement on Gun Bill

The highly controversial bill is likely to face obstacles on the Senate floor, reported the Daily Beast. Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy said, "It's just gotta end. The answer can't be as it has been for 20 years that we're gonna do nothing. While Republican Sen. John Cornyn said, "I am not interested in Congress voting on a measure that will have no impact on the horrific violence we've seen in recent months."

ALSO SEE: Obama Urges For Americans To Not Forget 'Newtown' Ahead Of Control Debate

A NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll found that 55% of Americans favor stricter laws covering the sale of firearms. However, there is a large political divide within this statistic. 82% of Democrats were found to favor stricter gun laws, while only 27% of Republicans felt the same way.

Read more of Neon Tommy's gun control coverage here.

Reach Executive Producer Briana Goodall here.

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