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Pistorius Brother Also Faces Homicide Trial

Kiran Kazalbash |
February 24, 2013 | 10:17 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Carl Pistorius, older brother of blade-runner Oscar Pistorius, faced trail of his own last week, charged in the death of a woman motorcyclist according to CNN.

The incident which occurred in 2008, is just now coming to light as Carl Pistorius has been charged with culpable homicide meaning “unlawful negligent killing” according to South African police.

BBC reports that police initially suspected driving under the influence when Pistorius’ car and the woman’s motorcycle collided in broad daylight in the South African town of Vanderbijlpark south of Johannesburg.

Pistorius’ lawyer said blood tests indicated that there was no alcohol found in his system at the time of the accident.

The trial for Carl Pistorius, which was originally scheduled for Thursday, will now be conducted at the end of March and could be over before brother Oscar Pistorus’ trial begins in June.

The Pistorius family lawyer, Kenny Oldwage released a statement about the trial to the BBC saying, “There is no doubt that Carl is innocent and the charge will be challenged in court. Carl deeply regrets the incident.”

Carl Pistorius and the Pistorius family have been at Oscar's side throughout his bail hearings and can be seen giving him tissues and comforting him througout.

Oscar Pistorius is accused killing of his girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp, in an incident occurring at their home on Valentine’s day when she was allegedly shot several times through a bathroom door.  

Read here for more Neon Tommy coverage on the Oscar Pistorius case.




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