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Northeast Braces For Winter Storm Euclid

Catherine Green |
December 26, 2012 | 10:44 a.m. PST

Executive Producer


NOAA National Weather Service's weather map as of Wednesday morning. (NOAA)
NOAA National Weather Service's weather map as of Wednesday morning. (NOAA)
The wintry mix slamming midwestern states is headed east, according to Reuters and National Weather Service forecasters.

Indiana, Ohio and Illinois saw heavy snow Wednesday, with flights delayed and officials issuing warnings about taking to the roadways. By mid-morning, Indianapolis had already accumulated seven inches of snow, while nearby Bloomington hunkered down under nearly a foot.

But the East Coast still has yet to weather Winter Storm Euclid. NWS predicted severe thunderstorms and rain for the lower half between Virginia and Florida. Western New York up through central Maine are expected to get anywhere between 12 to 18 inches.

At least two people are dead as a result of weather-related traffic accidents because of the storm, and tornadoes have caused significant damage in states like Alabama and Mississippi. 

Read the full Reuters story here, and get updates from the National Weather Service here


Reach Executive Producer Catherine Green here. Follow her here.





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