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Sarah Palin Criticized Obama Benghazi Plan

Jerome Campbell |
October 24, 2012 | 7:34 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Palin criticized the Obama administration for their treatment of the Benghazi attack, but received a major social media blowback.
Palin criticized the Obama administration for their treatment of the Benghazi attack, but received a major social media blowback.
Sarah Palin lashed out at the Obama administration about information released in emails about the Benghazi attack, but she received a major backlash from people in social media.

ALSO SEE:  Politicians Question And Criticize Obama For Handling Of Libya Attack

Palin stated in a note released on Facebook that 300-400 people had seen an email forewarning an attack on the US Consulate in Libya, but the Obama administration tried to cover up the information.

Palin posted:
Why the lies? Why the cover up? Why the dissembling about the cause of the murder of our ambassador on the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil? We deserve answers to this. President Obama's shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.



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