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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Endeavour On Its Way To Its Final Resting Place

Nicholas Slayton |
October 12, 2012 | 3:21 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Endeavour flying over Los Angeles last month. (Rosa Trieu/Neon Tommy)
Endeavour flying over Los Angeles last month. (Rosa Trieu/Neon Tommy)

The space shuttle Endeavour is on the move to its new home, the California Science Center. The shuttle started a trek through Los Angeles on a 12 mile path, giving Angelenos a chance to see the shuttle once again.

Endeavour's trip will take it from the Los Angeles International Airport, through Inglewood and ultimately to Exposition Park. It started today, but the bulk of its journey will happen on Saturday, where people will be able to see the shuttle at designated viewing spots, many of which will host events tied to Endeavour's passing.

The first viewing spot will be at 9 a.m. tomorrow at The Forum in Inglewood. It will stop at 1:30 p.m. at Crenshaw Boulevard and West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. It is expected to reach Exposition Park that evening.

Last year, NASA ended its space shuttle program. The shuttles were retired, with Endeavour traveling to Los Angeles to join an exhibit on the program at the Science Center.

Due to the sheer size of the space shuttle – its tail is five stories tall and Endeavour runs 122 feet long – special circumstances are in effect for its move. It is the largest object moved through the city, so for its transportation, trees were cut down and many streets cleared of traffic signals. 

Endeavour's trip will shut down a number of streets. West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard will be the main road affected, but traffic should increase along Vermont Avenue and other streets.

The Endeavour exhibit at the California Science Center will open on Oct. 30.

Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage of Endeavour here.

Reach Executive Producer Nicholas Slayton here and follow him here.



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