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Long Beach Congressional District Goes To Alan Lowenthal

Alexis Miller |
November 7, 2012 | 9:27 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

71-year-old political veteran Alan Lowenthal, a well-known Democrat, defeated Republican political newbie Gary DeLong to represent the Long Beach area in Congress.

The unofficial vote tally showed Lowenthal picking up 55 percent fo the vote.

Democrats outnumber Republicans by 11 percent in the 47th Congressional disctrict, which also stretches into Orange County.

DeLong out-fundraised Lowenthal $1.3 million to $980,000. And DeLong attracted attention in Washington as a possible ally. He is running as a moderate Republican who supports classic Republican financial ideology.

He supports gay marriage and is pro-choice. He does not, however, support the repeal of Obamacare. 

Yet, Lowenthal at the end of his second term in the State Senate and a former Long Beach City Councilman, had the name recognition.

Lowenthal started his career as an environmental lawyer and insisted that government can protect the environment while letting business thrive. Lowenthal is committed to Obama's agenda and has received endorsements from the Sierra Club and multiple unions. Though critical of California's high-speed rail project, he's a supporter of that arc of Obama's policy agenda as well.



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Reach Staff Reporter Alexis Miller here.




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