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Chloé Spring/Summer 2013 Ready-To-Wear

Jennifer Joh |
October 2, 2012 | 7:48 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

(Image Courtesy @LaurieKaiser)
(Image Courtesy @LaurieKaiser)
The Chloé fashion show did not disappoint at Paris Fashion Week with its romantic, clean-cut Spring/Summer 2013 collection. A beautiful palette mixed classic colors, light pastels, and simple prints. 

Chloé's collection is reminiscent of outfits that wealthy European women wore while having tea, but also adds a youthful edge with ruffled skirts and sleeves. Loose-fitting tops with big sleeves give an airy feel, a perfect representation of spring and breezy, sunny weather. 

There are two ways designers can go with florals: colorful, or just plain messy. Chloé defied both conventions by going clean, using minimal colors for their designs and showing off beautiful three-dimensional recreations of flowers. The standout piece was an ivory outfit sporting layers of fabric that formed the shape of a flower, cinched at the waist with a simple gold belt. 

Ruffles are the highlight of this collection. On blouses and dresses, layers of fabric hug the chest and the rest of the garment falls loosely around the body. The ruffles, mostly in light pink, beige, and white, work perfectly with crisp slacks and simple shoes. By adding a ruffled edge to an otherwise undecorated white dress, Chloé's designers highlight the youthful femininity that accompanies the spring and summer. 

Short dresses are enveloped in sheer fabric that is longer than the slip inside, giving it a modern, asymmetrical look without going too far. Pants, slacks, and skirts were flexible and tailored loosely, which boasts ease and comfort while still looking well-groomed. 

Outfits are typically paired with simple heels with straps. The metallic colors of gold, silver, and red compliment Chloé's choice of timeless blacks, whites, ivories, and pinks. 

No one piece of clothing from the show hugs the body nor does it show off a woman's figure, but the minimalism and simplicity of the collection compliments the female's best features: the arms and legs. The fabric that covers the main body is unconstricted and has movement, and even the most formal of designs boast comfort and class.

Reach writer Jennifer Joh here



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