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Biden, Kerry Set The Stage For Obama: DNC Day 3

Danny Lee |
September 6, 2012 | 3:47 p.m. PDT

Staff Columnist

Joe Biden will speak before President Obama takes the stage. (Barack Obama/Creative Commons)
Joe Biden will speak before President Obama takes the stage. (Barack Obama/Creative Commons)
It's likely we won't see any Hollywood actors talking to an empty chair Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention.

However, that's not to say the lineup of speakers serving as the warm-up act to President Barack Obama's speech at the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte won't be lacking in star power.

Sure, the Hollywood presence was felt as the likes of Scarlett Johansson and Kerry Washington made pushes to get out the vote.

But here is a rundown of political household names scheduled to speak at the DNC and what to expect from them.

Joe Biden

Despite being prone to a few speech blunders every now and then, the vice president is very much an asset for Obama's reelection efforts.

Biden's everyman persona makes him valuable in drawing white, working-class voters out to support Obama and he will attempt to shed light on some of the president's feats. As someone who's collaborated closely with the president for the last four years, he will also speak glowingly of the Obama's personality traits that make him fit to lead the country.

From the Washington Post:

Look for Biden to use words such as “conviction,” ‘’character” and “values” in a speech honed for middle-class voters, his advisers said. He also plans to talk about the decisions that have defined Obama’s first term in office, such as sending Navy SEALs into Pakistan for the fatal raid on al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and helping bail out Detroit’s automakers.

“Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive,” Biden says regularly in his campaign appearances.


John Kerry

The Massachusetts senator and 2004 presidential candidate will also try to polish Obama's record on foreign policy to further help solidify the president's advantage over Romney in an area that had historically worked in favor of Republicans in past elections.

The Romney campaign has ripped the administration for being soft in its support of Israel, and even pounced on an infamous Obama open-mic gaffe involving Russian President Dmitri Medvedev to suggest that the president is too willing to make concessions to other countries.

Excerpt from CNN.com:

And after more than ten years without justice for thousands of murdered Americans, after Mitt Romney said it would be "naïve" to go into Pakistan to pursue the terrorists, it took President Obama, against the advice of many, to give that order to finally rid this earth of Osama bin Laden. Ask Osama Bin Laden if he's better off now than he was four years ago

Perhaps, Kerry's speaking role at the convention is a dress rehearsal to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.

Charlie Crist

Also on tap for tonight is former Republican Gov. Charlie Crist, whose switch to independent status came after a 2010 GOP-primary loss to Marco Rubio in a U.S. Senate race appeared to be sealed.

Crist's inclusion as a Thursday speaker is supposed to help swing some independent voters into the Obama column, but some within his own party still question his motives and role at the DNC.

“Less than two years ago, he was against the Affordable Care Act and he thought Sarah Palin was an excellent choice for vice president. How does he explain that?” said state Sen. Nan Rich.

The move to let Crist speak at the convention may perhaps be a risky one, or at least one that would provide only minuscule gains for Obama's re-election effort if any.

A poll of Florida voters found that Crist's popularity has plunged ever since his endorsement of the president, as only 36 percent have a favorable view of the former governor, while 44 percent have a negative opinion of him.


Reach Staff Columnist Danny Lee here.



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