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"Dancing With The Stars" Results Show: The First To Go

Anita Dukart |
March 28, 2012 | 12:24 p.m. PDT

Contributing Writer


Martina showing off her moves on ABC's Dancing With The Stars. (Reality TV Magazine)
Martina showing off her moves on ABC's Dancing With The Stars. (Reality TV Magazine)
What a cast! We have some major cuties going on here. Gavin Degraw? William Levy? Jaleel White? Yes please! 

A smile goes a long way at this stage in the competition. The dancers are really just getting their confidence up for the competition and learning some of the basics. Who do you think are the frontrunners?

I personally think that Gavin is absolutely adorable. His smile is genuine and I might just fall in love with him a little bit every time he dances. He might not have the best technique, but he sure is adorable.

Jack Wagner has something almost Fred Astaire-like about him. I think it might be the long limbs. What ever it is, it’s working for him.

And then there’s Sherri Shepherd. I love her. How can you not? Sherri’s facial expressions really make it. She works it. Once she solidifies the technique a little bit more, she’ll have the whole package. But Sherri dear—stop lip-synching.

Jaleel White is handsome, graceful, expressive, and detail-oriented. Who knew that Urkel would turn into such a beautiful man.

Something about William Levy is very charming. I could definitely see him pulling into the front. He’s sexy and coordinated, but he doesn’t come off as stuck up. Major points, Will.

Oh, Roshon Fegan. Roshon is clearly a great dancer. He is relaxed but precise on the dance floor. I think it’s fair to put Roshon in the top three. He might be a little bit annoying, though. I mean really, who uses the words “amazingness” and “epic” in the same sentence?

Katherine Jenkins is radiant out on the stage. She looks beautiful, and extends the lines of her arms and legs well. I love watching her dance. And hey—those hot pink dance shoes that she was wearing on Monday? They look amazing.

Ultimately, Martina and Gavin were put in the bottom two. Martina was sent home. I think that the audience made a good call. This seemed like a pretty obvious one to me. She seems like a really nice woman, but she just didn't have the grace or coordination.

Who do you expect to be sent home next week? I think that Gavin will remain on the chopping block, as much as I hate to admit it! Melissa Gilbert just might be the one to join him.

Contact Reporter Anita Dukart here.

Check back every Wednesday for Anita's "Dancing With The Stars" results show reviews. 



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