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Politics Today: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Big News, GOP Virginia Primary Ballot Ruling, And More

Tracy Bloom |
January 13, 2012 | 2:33 p.m. PST

Deputy Editor

Virginia Judge Rules Against 4 GOP White House Candidates: Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman will not be in the Virginia primary after they failed to qualify for the ballot, a federal judge ruled Friday. The legal challenge came after they initially did not make the ballot. In the ruling, the judge said the four men waited too long to file their claims, CNN reported. Judge John Gibney said that the four candidates knew the state's rules to qualify for the primary months ago. "In essence, they played the game, lost, and then complained that the rules were unfair," he wrote in the ruling. Only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul qualified for the GOP's presidential primary in Virginia, which will hold its nominating contest on March 6.

Edwards's Trial Delayed Due To Life-Threatening Medical Condition: The trial of John Edwards has been delayed because he suffers from a life-threatening heart condition, WRAL reported. Edwards's trial was scheduled to begin January 30, but he is expected to have a heart procedure done next month. U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles said she received letters from two cardiologists, which stated that beginning the trial before then would "reduce the chance for success." The earliest the trial could begin is now March 26. Edwards, the one-time Democratic Vice Presidential nominee and former presidential candidate, is going on trial for alleged campaign finance violations.

Latest South Carolina Polls Shows Gingrich Within Strike Distance Of Romney: Time will tell whether Newt Gingrich's attacks on Mitt Romney sway voters, but for now, a new poll shows Gingrich narrowly trailing his rival in the South Carolina primary. According to a poll conducted by the American Research Group, Romney is ahead at 29%, followed by Gingrich who is polling at 25%. The poll also shows Ron Paul's stock rising in South Carolina, while Rick Santorum's has taken a dive. The South Carolina primary is on January 21.

Perry Has Another "Oops" Moment: Rick Perry should probably never try to name which three departments he will try to cut if elected president ever again. Perry tried - and failed - once again after he was asked which three departments he would cut during an interview on a South Carolina radio program. Perry responded: "Three right off the bat: Commerce, Interior, and Energy." If you recall, however, Interior was not one of the three departments Perry said he would cut - it was actually the Department of Education. A spokesman for the Perry campaign may have helped simplify any future answers about this question for the Texas Governor, telling reporters, "Every agency is on the chopping block."

Colbert and Stewart Make Big Announcement: If you missed "The Colbert Report" last night, you missed some really big news! Stephen Colbert is running for president (of the United States of South Carolina) and Jon Stewart will take over his Super PAC (to now be referred to as: "The Definitely Not Coordinating with Stephen Colbert Super Pac")! Watch the announcement:



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