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"Kim Kardashian’s Fairytale Wedding" Part 2: Drinks, Dancing And I Do’s

Johnni Macke |
October 10, 2011 | 11:18 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

The Kardashian's know how to throw a party and Kim’s Fairytale Wedding is no exception. The Kardashian- Humphries wedding was Hollywood’s version of the Royal Wedding, and they sure gave the Brits a run for their money. 

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries (creative commons)
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries (creative commons)

Part 2 of the Fairytale Wedding special aired tonight and was full of the usual drama, mixed with some tears, touching moments and a giant party.

At the end of Part 1 of Kim’s wedding extravaganza, we left off with Khloe being uninvited to the wedding. That being said the stage was set for an unprecedented amount of drama and sister battles.

Since Khloe was no longer in charge of the bachelorette party she sent mamma Kris Jenner to  the sex store to get goodies for the giant party set to take place in Vegas. The best part about Khloe being kicked out of the wedding even if it was for a brief minute was seeing Kris and Bruce Jenner shopping at the Pleasure Chest.

No matter how ridiculous Kris has proven to be, when Bruce walked her around on a pet leash while she was wearing a cat mask will forever be documented as a crazy Kardashian moment. Poor Bruce even with the baseball cap on, he cannot hide from his embarrassing wife.

After a quick look into the pistachio commercial that Lamar and Khloe are filming within the episode (why we need to see this I am still not sure) we stumbled upon the first touching moment within this special.

When Kim visits Kris Humphries in Minnesota and she meets his grandparents-adorable. Kris is a family man and very traditional as we learn and to be honest at times he is clearly too cute in a goofy, tall guy way for Kim.

Once the semi-happy couple is back in Los Angeles it is time for the most anticipated moment of the first hour of the special, the bachelor and bachelorette parties both in Vegas on the same weekend!

Khloe surprises Kim by being in her hotel room dressed up as a police woman, clearly the exact recipe to fix whatever they were fighting about. From that moment on it was all about drinking, clubbing, cakes and more drinking! And of course the night wouldn’t be complete without Kris crashing his soon-to-be bride’s party. They are actually sickening at many times throughout this episode.

The bridal shower on the other hand, noted as being two weeks before the wedding featured some awesome, powerhouse women from Hollywood. The likes of Mel B or Scary Spice for those of you who were not Spice Girl fans in the 90s’, Serena Williams and numerous E! hosts were in attendance.

Because you were all wondering what the youngest women in the Jenner crew were doing this whole time E! took us behind the scenes to see Kendall and Kylie’s cheer competition. At this point in time mamma Kris decided to vent about Kim’s possible name change.

To distract the audience from the pressing issue of changing Kim’s name or not changing her name, Kim tried on all three of her dresses, each one more beautiful than the next.

Kim said, “It’s so dramatic to have three dresses. Who does that?”

Kim may be intense about her career, athlete boy toys and her dream wedding but she is totally right, who does that?

Finally at the one hour mark, Kim became the Bridezilla we all knew she would be. She steals Kris’ thunder and decides not to change her name while she signs the marriage license. This is after she discusses it with her sisters and rules out changing her name and making either a “hump rope” or “hump” as her new fragrance.

There is a huge blowout between the supposed happy couple soon after the name-change debate. Kris finally stands up for himself and points out that Kim was nothing four years ago and now she is “Miss Princess.” Wow, we didn’t think he had it in him, but this speech was thrilling and overdue.

The wedding rehearsal continues to add to the two’s frustration with each other ultimately annoying the viewer even more. Since the tension is increasingly rising at the dinner, touching moment number two comes in to save the day.

At the final tuxedo fittings, Rob tries on his suit and makes Kim remember her dad saying, “You look just like dad.” Rob is happy, Kourtney is happy and Kim is happy, which is really all that matters, if you haven’t already figured that out.

Once Kim begins to think about her dad her meaningless fights with Kris become unimportant and preserving her father’s memory takes center stage. Bruce brings over her father’s old shirts and Kim chooses one to make hearts out of and have sewn into her dresses. This sweet sentiment followed by Bruce stepping in as a good make-shift father while Kim cries takes the cake on touching moments.

Kris and Kim rekindle their romance by visiting Kim’s father’s grave and bonding over the fact that she is very emotional during this time. Meanwhile, Kris has grown a mustache to show that he has control over something, unfortunately the stache is not attractive and he again is caught looking stupid.

In hour number two we are finally able to see the wedding that we have all been waiting for. A heart to heart between Bruce and Kris Humphries followed by a surprise diamond bracelet for Kim and Kris shaving the stache all lead up to the big moment.

The best moments of the wedding are a three-way tie between Kris Jenner’s oversized unnecessarily large white bow on her dress, Kourtney almost tripping while holding baby Mason on the aisle and Humps face when he sees his bride for the first time.

In classic Kardashian fashion, the wedding is perfect, adorned with black and white everywhere. Kim’s three dresses are over the top yet match the wedding to a tee. The Jenner boys even manage to throw in a bonding session before the night is over.

The first dance dress is fantastic and the dance with Bruce is memorable. The white sweat suits that Kendall and Kylie sport at the reception are awesome yet crazy, as are all of the Kardashians, tying the wedding together as a crazy, over the top festivity.

The fairytale ends with a kiss… the perfect Hollywood ending.

Reach Johnni Macke here

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