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Amazon's Tablet May Trump iPad

Sean McGuire |
August 30, 2011 | 8:53 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Apple's first-generation iPad. (Glenn Fleishmann)
Apple's first-generation iPad. (Glenn Fleishmann)
Amazon's new tablet may trump Apple's vaunted iPad as the best-selling tablet computer on the market, industry analysts say. If Amazon is able to undercut the iPad's price, experts predict fourth-quarter 2011 sales of over five million.

The expected success of Amazon's tablet will be a big boost to Google's Android operating system platform, on which the new tablet is based.

From International Business Times:

The researchers noted that Apple's iOS currently -- according to Apple -- houses around 100,000 tablet apps, while Google's Android Honeycomb platform only has around 300."If Amazon's Android-based tablet sells in the millions, Android will suddenly appear much more attractive to developers who have taken a wait-and-see approach," commented Epps.

Reach Staff Reporter Sean McGuire here.

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