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Jon Stewart Faux-Resigns As "Daily Show" Host Over Weiner Coverage

Tracy Bloom |
June 8, 2011 | 1:22 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

"Daily Show" host Jon Stewart has proven over the years that he can make fun of anyone. Last night, he proved he could do the same to himself, lampooning his own coverage of the Anthony Weiner sex scandal by spoofing the New York congressman's press conference on his show--all while sustaining an injury that left the comedian bleeding on stage. 

In an epic political parody that certainly rivals his uncanny impersonation of Fox News' Glenn Beck, Stewart opened the program with a mock press conference where he apologized for his Weiner coverage and stepped down as host of "The Daily Show."

Stewart had drawn some criticism for his relatively tame coverage of the scandal the night before, when he said that Weinergate had become "officially sad" after the press conference and called it "the weirdest f**king story I've seen in my life!"...Or, the best episode of 'Maury' ever."

As Entertainment Weekly's Ken Tucker noted after Monday's program: "Stewart may have been the only television news commentator in America on Monday who did not pounce on Rep. Anthony Weiner and beat him up verbally for admitting he lied about his Twitter gaffe."

But Stewart made good to his fans on Tuesday doing a remarkable job of parodying Weiner's press conference. He even had his old friend's gestures down, mimicking everything from the congressman's darting eyes to his pursed lips and copious water drinking.

Stewart then apologetically explained that the show taped less than two hours after Weiner’s press conference aired ("The Daily Show" tapes at 6:00, while Weiner's presser aired at 4:30), and that he decided to stick to the original script, filled with it jokes about Sarah Palin and John Edwards, rather than add in the new material (or, as the banner over Stewart put it: "STEWART: TOO LAZY TO WRITE JOKES AFTER 5.").

"This was my decision, and my decision alone. I recognize how wrong I was," Stewart said."

Things then took a turn for the painful for Stewart. As he apologized, Stewart took out a blender to fix himself a strawberry margarita (he'd already made himself a martini), proceeding to somehow slice his hand on a piece of broken margarita glass. "That's not good," he calmly said, taking a sip of the drink. "I'm probably going to need to go to the hospital."

Even correspondent John Oliver, who joined Stewart at the podium in the next segment as the host's successor, brought attention to Stewart's accident. "As for you Stewart ... and your visibly injured hand. That's a genuine problem," he said, insisting that Stewart was just being dramatic. "You're fine. You're fine. Don't be so Jewish about it, you're fine."

Stewart's injury, which surely added drama to the overall effect of the skit, was also definitely real. Entertainment Weekly reported that the comedian had six stitches on it following the show's taping.

You can watch part I of the fake press conference here, and part II here.



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