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Finding The Perfect Seat: Kimberly Jimenez

Jasmine Kianfard |
August 31, 2015 | 3:28 p.m. PDT


Jimenez rides bus 720 from Downtown to Santa Monica College (Jasmine Kianfard/Neon Tommy)
Jimenez rides bus 720 from Downtown to Santa Monica College (Jasmine Kianfard/Neon Tommy)
Kimberly Jimenez quickly shuffles onto the 720 Rapid bus looking for the most ideal seat she can find, preferably one where her legs aren’t dangling from the ground.

READ MORE: Exceptional Transit: How L.A. Metro Failed Low-Income Riders

She wants to be comfortable during her two hour journey from Downtown L.A. to Santa Monica College where she is studying criminal justice. 

“I have a car right now but it doesn’t work, I have to fix it so I have to be taking the bus for now,” Jimenez said. 

The twenty-year old reflects back on her nerves the first time she had to step on the city bus. She doesn’t recall herself sitting as easily as she is now with her earbuds in both ears, looking out the window and knowing exactly which stop to get off of with no second doubt. 

“I was actually with my boyfriend the first time I got on and I didn’t want to get in but I got use to it. Now I’m here by myself,” Jimenez admitted.

Two years later, Jimenez, once a stranger to Los Angeles public transportation, considers herself familiar with the system. 

“Just check your surroundings, the people that are in there, the people that seem like you can trust, just like sit around them because there’s usually some crazy people and I’m just like okay yeah, I’m not going to sit around them,” Jimenez advised.

She has also pointed out that although this has been her routine route, she hardly sees the same people on the bus.

Despite her safety concerns with the current public transportation system, she admits that she’s actually grown to see the positives in taking the bus, rather than driving herself to school. 

“I actually like taking the bus, I don’t have to go and park at school. There’s so much like...you know...there’s no parking, plus the structures, the parking structures are so expensive, so I’d rather just take the bus,” Jimenez said.

However, regardless of the money she’s saving by taking the bus, Jimenez isn’t able to accept the major downfall with this method of public transportation: time. She is working towards having her car fixed so that she can get back on the road as soon as possible. 

“I think I’ll go back to driving, only because it’s so long, like two hours and I just want to get to school early. Sometimes I get there late, so I just think driving would be probably best,” Jimenez said, with a deep but hopeful sigh.  

(Neha Wadekar / Annenberg Media)
(Neha Wadekar / Annenberg Media)

Reach Contributor Jasmine Kianfard here.



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