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The Hot Seat: Earl Ofari Hutchinson

Max Schwartz |
April 5, 2015 | 11:07 a.m. PDT

Civic Center Bureau Chief

(Max Schwartz/Neon Tommy)
(Max Schwartz/Neon Tommy)
Activist, author, columnist and political commentator Earl Ofari Hutchinson called into The Hot Seat to discuss his background, the case of Marlene Pinnock and the broad issue of racial tension in the United States.

The case of Marlene Pinnock, the woman who was beaten by a California Highway Patrol Officer, is in the news again because her attorney, Caree Harper, was held in contempt of court. Host Max Schwartz and Hutchinson disccused the issue of Harper making $600,000 from the Pinnock case, the resignation of the CHP officer involved and changes the agency has put into place. The two also talked about the results from the changes that have already been put into affect, and they talked about the remaining reforms Hutchinson expects the agency to make.

Schwartz and Hutchinson also talked about racial tension in the United States. Two key points of the discussion were the starting point for increased racial tension in the recent past and the reasons for the current racial tension.

Reach Civic Center Bureau Chief Max Schwartz here; follow him on Twitter here.

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The Hot Seat:



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