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Best Old-School TV Shows To Watch On Netflix

Noah Camarena |
September 26, 2014 | 11:55 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Addiction is something that should not be dealt with lightly.

That being said, it is something that all college students deal with these days and something that is seemingly unavoidable. It’s an addiction that takes hours out of the week and might even result in sleepless nights.

The addiction is Netflix. 

Many people enjoy spending the night in and just watching programs on Netflix, but sometimes it is hard to find the right thing to watch which results in endless moments of searching and searching until eventually giving up and falling asleep. 

To aid this harmless addiction and to provide some assistance to those that find themselves more lost than castaways on a deserted island (see: "Lost"), here are three of the best classic TV shows on Netflix.

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"Freaks and Geeks"

This is a show that will not take too long to finish as it was canceled after only one season, but what a season it was. In one of the best-reviewed comedies of the early 2000s, you will find a lot of familiar faces and maybe even recognize the humor of Judd Apatow, the executive producer of the show. 

Stars of the comedy include James Franco, Seth Rogen and Jason Segel. The initial intrigue of the show was to see how these stars acted in their younger years and to see where they got their start. For the most part, the three actors played roles that they can be seen in today. Rogen plays the slacker who would rather crack a joke than be productive. Segel is the awkward, yet charming, friend who always has the back of those closest to him, very similar to his character in "How I Met Your Mother." Of course, Franco plays the bad boy who catches the eye of the leading lady and uses his charm to get out of sticky situations.

While the “Freaks” of the show are played by the more recognizable names in Hollywood, the appeal of the show has to be the “Geeks” and the classic high school turmoil they run into. The three best friends, played by Samm Levine, Martin Starr and John Francis Daley, deal with talking to girls, bullies and trouble in gym class.

This show is recommended for anyone interested in a few good laughs that will also remind you of those awkward high school days.

"The West Wing"

This political drama will forever remind me of an AP Government class (that is, the interesting parts of it).

"The West Wing" deals with the Democratic administration of the fictional president played by Martin Sheen. The ensemble cast portrays the various roles in the White House such as the Chief of Staff played by John Spencer and the Press Secretary played by Allison Janney. 

The show takes the audience into the White House to see what happens behind closed doors. However, the allure of the show does not come from the political aspects, but rather from the personal relationships that are developed between the character. This allows the audience to relate to politics and to make attachments to these characters and become involved in their lives.

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Even though the show deals with fictional characters through a made-up administration, it still tackles real world issues that provide different avenues for those looking to experience politics in a less formal and serious setting. Such issues include homosexuality, terrorism and information being leaked from the White House.

"The West Wing" deals with important issues in a relatable and entertaining manner that makes politics interesting for those it normally puts to sleep, and provides a different angle on these subjects for those who are passionate about politics.

"Arrested Development"

"There’s always money in the banana stand."



"I’ve made a huge mistake."

Just a few quotes from a show that definitely deserves to be watched and rewatched again and again.

Technically, "Arrested Development" can be classified as a recent TV show because of its revival on Netflix for its fourth season, but the first three seasons alone make it worthy of the title of “classic.” 

The audience is treated to smart, yet unconventional, comedy style which hurt its ratings on television, but helped build a strong following of those that appreciated the humor and fell in love with the characters. It's not hard to love this quirky bunch of characters that range from a father who keeps breaking out of prison to a son in love with his cousin. It’s these obscure characteristics that add to the intrigue and charm of the show.

The best part of the show, that actually makes it fun to watch, is the recurring jokes. The audience starts to become aware of common themes and starts to look out for them when watching, which almost makes it like a game. 

Although "Arrested Development" is one of the most unorthodox comedies to choose from, if you like an interesting story, laughing or even just want to see a young Michael Cera, this is the show for you.

Reach Staff Reporter Noah Camarena here. 



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