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Far East Movement Talks Latin Festival, New Record Label

Vivian Tang |
November 1, 2015 | 1:31 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Vivian Tang interviews Far East Movement (Screenshot).
Vivian Tang interviews Far East Movement (Screenshot).
Far East Movement, best known for their hit "Like A G6" featuring The Cataracs and Dev, may seem like an unlikely fit for a Latin music festival whose lineup also included Enrique Iglesias and Juan Gabriel. At Orange County's L-Festival, however, the trio proved they can hold their own.

After leaving the stage, Far East Movement sat down with Neon Tommy's own Vivian Tang to discuss what they've been up to -- managing other artists.

The group recently announced they were starting their own record label, named BreadNButter Records.

They also gave a few helpful tips, such as "Don't mix your alcohol" and "Don't have a corny DJ." 

Watch the full video below.

Reach Staff Reporter Vivian Tang here.



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