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6 Stages Of Discovering Lianne La Havas

Madison MIlls |
October 21, 2015 | 3:29 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

via Madison Mills/Neon Tommy
via Madison Mills/Neon Tommy
English singer-songwriter Lianne La Havas’s album “Blood” catapulted her into the spotlight this summer- but not everyone seems to have jumped on the La Havas love train. If you haven’t become obsessed with her by now, here’s a PSA for the incredible spiritual awakening you will have upon discovering her talents.

Stage 1: Automatic Inner Peace and Joy

You simply cannot listen to the soft, lilting harmonies of La Havas without feeling like you are having some sort of automatic religious experience that will change the way you see the world. Whether it’s her syncopated guitar strums that hit your heart, or her gut-wrenching lyrics, you’ll instantly experience an unconscious emotional shift upon listening to either of her albums.

Stage 2: The Lean Forward Moment

Lianne’s specialty is that moment in the song where you lean into the beat a little more, turn up a little harder, or listen in to her intricate vocal sighs just a bit more deeply. Anyone who’s listened to her summer hit “What You Don’t Do” will recognize the part of the song where everything drops out except the drums and Lianne’s power belt, as she croons “the closer we get, the less you need to show.” She practically forces you to get up and stomp your feet in time right along with her drummer.

Stage 3: Recognition of “Genre Bending”

Yes- folk can be combined with the ~hip~ stylings of neo-soul and jazz, and Lianne does this with groove and grace. She starts most performances by simply strumming her guitar and breathing into each note with such sensitivity that you almost can’t hear her, and within seconds she transitions to a jazzy torch-song-like feel where she grabs the mic and sells the ish out of herself and her sound.

Stage 4: Discovery of Her First Album

Contrary to popular belief, Lianne was around far before people were blasting her newest album this summer. Her first album, “Is Your Love Big Enough?”, features far more ballads, and perhaps introduces us to a softer side of La Havas. This album is also less produced, which allows her vocal prowess to shine as you can swoon over the glistening vibrato she seems to effortlessly add to the end of every note.

Stage 5: Call To Action

You decide you need to broadcast to the world that you’ve started listening to this girl, because you’re so confident that she is the next big thing that you want everyone to know she was your OG bae.

Stage 6: Obsession

You’ll start becoming one of those people who constantly have their earbuds in, because you’ll develop an addiction to Lianne’s soulful sound. You’ll find out her entire life story, watch every YouTube video of her performances you can get your hands on, and when you start getting slightly sick of hearing the same songs — you’ll obsess over her collaborations with other artists like alt-J and Prince.

At the end of it all, you’ll accept that you’re a Lianne-Lover, and proudly boast about your newfound love for this incredible artist.

Reach Staff Reporter Madison Mills here



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