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Ethiopian Co-Pilot Hijacks His Own Plane

Cassie Paton |
February 17, 2014 | 10:55 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

After landing, the co-pilot exited through the cockpit window with a rope. (Twitpic/@StandardKenya)
After landing, the co-pilot exited through the cockpit window with a rope. (Twitpic/@StandardKenya)
An Ethopian Airlines plane that was supposed to land in Rome was hijacked by the co-pilot.

The man, who has been identified as Hailemedehin Abera Tagegn from Ethiopia, took over the Boeing 767 when its Italian pilot stepped out to use the bathroom, according to Sky News. Tagegn was reportedly seeking asylum and landed the plane safely in Geneva, Switzerland. After landing, Tagegn gave himself up to authorities. There were 202 passengers and crew members on board.

SEE ALSO: Plane Crashes In Algeria, Kills 102 People

"Swiss federal authorities are now investigating and could press charges that could carry a prison sentence of up to 20 years," the article said. "Human Rights Watch said Ethiopia's human rights record 'has sharply deteriorated' over the years."

Read more at Sky News, Reuters and USA Today


Reach Executive Producer Cassie Paton here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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