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Putin Surprises U.S. And Canadian Olympic Teams With Visits

Shilpa Nagesh |
February 14, 2014 | 9:52 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Putin meeting with USOC CEO Scott Blackmun. (twitter.com/bglobesports)
Putin meeting with USOC CEO Scott Blackmun. (twitter.com/bglobesports)
Earlier today, Russian president Vladimir Putin suprised the U.S. and Canadian Olympic teams with visits to their headquarters within Sochi's Olympic village.

U.S Olympic Committee CEO Scott Blackmun was seen sipping wine with the president in the house and said no politics were discussed and that "[Putin] was very interested in knowing what we thought of the level of infrastructure. He was genuinely interested on whether we were having a quality experience at the games." 

Meanwhile in the Canadian house, Olympian Hayley Wickenheiser wrote on Twitter that Putin wished the team the best of luck at the Olympics in everything, except hockey. 

Additionally, both teams posted "selfies" and other photos on social media from their meetings with Putin. 

Read more on the meeting here.

Reach Executive Producer Shilpa Nagesh here. Follow her on Twitter.



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