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Comcast Buys Time Warner Cable

Christianna Wiggins |
February 13, 2014 | 11:07 a.m. PST

Executive Producer


(twitpic| @hnshah)
(twitpic| @hnshah)
Comcast Corporation has agreed to pay $45 billion to acquire Time Warner Cable.

The two companies announced their plans to merge on Feb 12 and are hopeful that they will be united by the end of the year.

However, the possibility of a cable monopoly may thwart these plans. 

Comcast and Time Warner Cable are currently the two largest cable companies in the United States. Following the coalition, these companies would be able to dominate as a cable television provider.

Additionally, the company would be able to compete with online streaming services such as Netflix, and wireless phone service providers such as AT&T. 


Reach Executive Producer Christianna Wiggins here and follow her on twitter here



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