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Republican Debate Tense Between Romney, Perry

Agnus Dei Farrant |
October 18, 2011 | 8:08 p.m. PDT

Assistant News Editor

Tuesday night's CNN Western Republican debate ended with moderator Anderson Cooper stating Mitt Romney was a frontrunner and candidates' closing statements.

“What’s relevant is to look at the track record," Rick Santorum said. "You have someone who’s won against three democratic incumbents, I’m 3-0.”

Romney also referred to his track record.

"I believe having spent my life in the private sector, having actually created jobs, I can get the country back on track again," Romney said.

Rick Perry used his chance to put down Romney's claim.

"If you want to know how someone acts in the future, see how they acted in the past," Perry said and then turned to Romney. "You created 40,000 jobs total, last year we created more jobs than that in Texas."

"With regards to track record," Romney replied, "you were chairman of Al Gore’s campaign and there was a fellow Texan named George Bush so we know your track record."

Perry came back to say "You failed as the governor of Massachusetts."

Romney responded by saying Massachusetts' unemployment rate was lower then Texas' during the candidates' respective terms as governors.

"Romney has a very distinguished career and I would agree with much of what he said," Herman Cain said. "His experience has been more Wall Street orientated, mine has been more main street."

Michele Bachmann again referred to President Barack Obama.

"The good news is, the cake is baked," Bachmann said. "Barack Obama will be a one-term president. We need to listen to Ronald Reagan, no pastels, bold colors. We can’t settle in this race."

Newt Gingrich ended the debate with a statement for all the candidates.

"Maximizing bickering is probably not the best road to the White House."




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