Hello, It's Adele (And Her Comeback)

There are many reasons to be excited at this time of year, especially because the weather is changing and Thanksgiving is on its way. Now you can add one more to the list: a new album from Adele entitled "25" is rumored to be released in November, giving us more of those fun opportunities to briefly pretend we’re noteworthy vocalists. While “Chasing Pavements” is my all-time favorite Adele song, I’ll definitely be making room for her new releases on my playlists.
This prospective album release is exciting on so many levels.
Simply put, it has been far too long. "21," her last album, was released in 2011. Can you believe it’s been that long? Although she released “Skyfall” in 2012, for all intents and purposes Adele has been absent from music since she won the Oscar for Best Original Song for this composition. After four years of very little Adele activity in the music industry, the void is about to be filled (at least we hope it is).
So what leads us to this conclusion?
Last Sunday night, on October 18, a commercial break for the British "X Factor" excited Adele fans worldwide. What sounded like Adele’s mellifluous voice accompanied the following white lyrics featured on an unadorned black background:
“Hello, it’s me / I was wondering if after all these years / you’d like to meet to go over everything / they say that time’s supposed to heal ya / but I ain’t done much healing ...”
The ellipses that remained on the screen as her voice faded out left fans wondering about a new album release. While nothing is confirmed, apparently Mark Ronson, Ryan Tedder, and Tobias Jesso Jr. amongst others have contributed to the album.
The video didn’t confirm who the singer is, let’s face it: her voice is so distinct that it is unlikely that it was anyone else. Ryan Tedder, renowned producer and frontman for OneRepublic, hinted as much when on Sunday night after the ad aired, OneRepublic tweeted “Adele :)”. In March of 2014, Tedder revealed his continuing collaboration with her, stating that “[S]he is sounding even better than ever.”
As both of her albums "19" and "21" were filled with amazing songs, surely fans can expect work of a similar caliber, especially as according to The Sun this album seems to have been in the works since April 2013. Her last album "21" became a diamond record, selling over 10 million copies in two years, demonstrating that there are millions of fans eagerly anticipating her new release.
If it truly is released in November, it’ll be ready just in time for the holiday season, where her calming voice and blissful ballads will be the perfect remedy for easing all of that pent-up stress.
So get excited, stay tuned, and get ready for a pending release from the “One and Only.”
Reach Staff Contributor Emily Deissler here.