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Caitlyn Jenner Takes On Issues In Transgender Community In 'I Am Cait'

Tanya Mardirossian |
July 26, 2015 | 8:44 p.m. PDT

TV Editor

Caitlyn Jenner in "I Am Cait" (E! News)
Caitlyn Jenner in "I Am Cait" (E! News)
"I Am Cait" premiered on E! Sunday, and supporters raved on social media about Caitlyn Jenner's appearance and show for social justice. 

The new reality series shows Cait with her mother, sister, and daughters: Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian (with hubby Kanye West), all of whom are supporting and trying to understand the transition and the life that comes after. Cait mentioned how she and Kanye were never close, but loves that he has an open mind. 

Reach TV Editor Tanya Mardirossian here. Follow her on Twitter



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