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A Neon Tommy Guide to Graduation Gifts

Madeleine Remi |
May 7, 2015 | 1:15 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

 We here at Neon Tommy understand that graduation is a hectic and stressful experience for all participants. Seniors are panicking over their future employment opportunities, administrators are pleading with them not to jump in fountains or destroy school property and underclassman are tearfully mourning the loss of their bigs and grandbigs. In this busy week, it is easy to forget the other group looming on the horizon- the graduates’ families. Oh yes, in a few short days we will be meeting all of your relatives. The ones that excessively like your Facebook photos or try and come to every football game. We have reached their last hurrah to come out and support the end of your college career. While most graduates keep their fingers crossed for cash from their family, rarely is this the only gift they receive. They are bound to find a copy of “Oh the Places You Will Go” sitting on their desk from their great aunt Susan, who did not realize that this will be the fourth copy you have received as a graduate. So we turn our attention from the graduates, and instead seek to inspire their family members with our Graduate Gift Guide. 

1. "How to Think About" Series from the School of Life. 

This collection of books from the School of Life strives to answer some of life’s biggest questions. As graduates head out into the world, they are faced almost daily with questions that shape who they become in the future. Why not help with the burden by giving them advice from a few leading thinkers on important issues? We recommend How to Find Fulfilling Work, How to Change the World, and How To Worry Less about Money, but this entire series would be helpful to anyone leaving the college nest! 

2. Football game season pass for the next year 

While entering college can be nerve-wracking, leaving it can be downright terrifying. Will I see my friends again? Will I still be happy outside of my college life? For the graduate who is staying close to their old stomping grounds, there is no gift more comforting than season tickets for the fall football season. What better way to still feel connected to the place you are leaving behind? 

3. A Monthly Subscription Box 

What about a gift that keeps on giving? Nowadays there are many fantastic monthly subscription services that can cater to your graduate’s needs. Do they like snacking? Then give the gift of Graze: A box that includes eight healthy snacks and sends some proceeds to the Graze School of Farming in Uganda. Enjoy grooming? Send them a BirchBox that tailors their beauty packages to guys and gals in order to help them look their best. Have a sweet tooth? They will be overjoyed to receive Cravory: 6 or 12 delectable cookies each month delivered to their doorstep. Wishing they had the money to travel? Send them a box from Escape Monthly, which provides themed goodies from different countries each month. Wanting to take care of your graduated fratstar? He’ll be thankful for the BroBox, which provides all a man needs to stay afloat in his post-college life. 

4. First Jobs by Merritt Watts 

As much as graduation is a celebration, it is also a quick shove into the real world. While some students will be going on to pursue graduate degrees, many will be heading off into the work force for the first time. After years of studying, these jobs can often seem a bit disheartening. Reporter Merritt Watts shares stories about tackling that first job, be it the job of your dreams or the exact opposite of where you thought you would be. A perfect read to provide perspective on a first foray into the workplace! And the book was just released, so you can be sure that your graduate has not already snagged a copy. 

5. A few graduation-themed films 

DVD’s are bit old fashioned these days, but they make a terrific addition to your graduation present. A classic graduation-themed movie is the perfect thing to cuddle up with during the first few nights on their own.  We recommend Adventureland or The Graduate.  

6. A Tool Set 

While this might seem like something every college student already owns, let me promise you that they do not. There is something daunting about taking care of your own place, especially if you have been living in a dorm for four years. Start them off on the right foot by providing them with a tool box that is easy to understand. We recommend this one. 

7. The New York Times 36 Hours: USA & Canada 

Not all of us are able to afford fabulous post-grad trips, be it backpacking through scenic European mountains or beach-hopping around foreign costal cities. For a grad who is staying stateside, this is the perfect book to prompt amazing adventures. This book offers up 150 weekend getaways from major cities to forgotten hideaways, and will let your grad make unforgettable memories that they can drive to. 

8. Sur La Table Lessons 

Most college students still consider ramen their cooking specialty. Why not give your graduate a little upgrade in the kitchen? Sur La Table teaches fantastic cooking classes in their Los Angeles location, as well as others around the country. Purchase themed lessons like “Cooking with Healthy Ingredients” or “Szechuan Cooking at Home” to give your grad a few go-to recipes.

9. Food Gift Cards 

If your graduate doesn’t seem to be one for cooking, maybe try a different approach. Grocery stores like Whole Foods are often called “Whole Check” because of a grad's inability to afford their products on their first job salaries. Why not let them treat themselves to some organic treats? Give the gift of a delicious celebratory meal. We recommend Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s


10. Their Own Netflix Account  

No one can really feel like an adult until they stop stealing their streaming service from their parents. Give them a little bit of freedom by purchasing them their own subscription. We recommend Netflix, Hulu, or the new HBONow to catch up on all the greatest shows and movies. Nothing is better than binge-watching a show with a long distance friend! 

Contact Staff Reporter Madeleine Remi here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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