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Court Wrap-Up: Suge Knight Fires Attorney

Olivia LaVoice |
April 11, 2015 | 2:42 p.m. PDT


Marion Suge Knight appears before the Compton Courthouse during his arraignment, early February. ( Courtesy of Paul Beck/ EPA)
Marion Suge Knight appears before the Compton Courthouse during his arraignment, early February. ( Courtesy of Paul Beck/ EPA)

The arraignment of former hip-hop mogul Marion “Suge” Knight took place in downtown Los Angeles Wednesday morning, leaving the courtroom puzzled when Knight announced he had fired his attorney.

Knight is being charged for one count of murder and one count of attempted murder following his arrest for running over two men in a Compton parking lot.

Well known for being the founder and CEO of Death Row Records, Knight has been credited as one of the key players in the west coast rap and hip hop scene as it originated in the early '90s.

READ MORE: Suge Knight To Remain In Jail, Bail Postponed

He has represented artists such as, Tupac Shakur, Dr. Dre, MC Hammer, and Snoop Dogg. Throughout his career, Knight had frequent run-ins with the law and has previously served jail-time.  

Represented by attorney, Matthew Fletcher, Knight told the judge he had fired his other attorney.  The judge told him he had 30 days to find a new one. It’s unknown why Knight suddenly decided to fire the attorney before his arraignment.
Reach Contributor Olivia LaVoice here. Follow her on Twitter here.  



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