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Mixed-Use Developments Are Affecting Cities And Businesses (Video)

Max Schwartz |
December 22, 2014 | 12:02 a.m. PST


Location of where the Laemmle Lofts will be located in Glendale. (Screenshot of Apple Maps.)
Location of where the Laemmle Lofts will be located in Glendale. (Screenshot of Apple Maps.)
Mixed-use developments are buildings that serve two purposes with two types of tenants - such as residential units above business units or a hotel above businesses units. These structures are increasing in number in Southern California because they are helping developers combat the region's space limitations. They build vertically instead of horizontally.

Mixed-use structures are very popular in the City of West Hollywood. There are already several on Santa Monica Blvd. and there are more in the works, such as the one planned for the former location of The Palm Restaurant - 9001 Santa Monica Blvd. It relocated to Beverly Hills because a new development is slated to take its spot.

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West Hollywood Mayor John D'Amico says that these buildings have created a new way of life in the city because they allow people to be so close to the businesses.

Businesses are also getting involved with mixed-use developments. Laemmle Theatres is creating Laemmle Lofts in Glendale. It will be composed of residential space above a business/restaurant space and a new Laemmle Theatre.

Some believe, however, that mixed-use developments are not doing enough to improve the public transit situation in the Los Angeles area.

Reach Editor-at-Large Max Schwartz here; follow him on Twitter here.



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