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Autopsy Report Of Ezell Ford's Body Released

Max Schwartz |
December 29, 2014 | 2:09 p.m. PST


A memorial to Ezell Ford at West 65th St and Broadway in Los Angeles. (Phoenix Tso/Neon Tommy)
A memorial to Ezell Ford at West 65th St and Broadway in Los Angeles. (Phoenix Tso/Neon Tommy)
The autopsy report for the body of Ezell Ford was released on Monday and indicates that Ford was shot three times by LAPD officers. 

READ MORE: LAPD Fatally Shoots South L.A. Man During Investigative Stop

The report says one of the two fatal shots was to his right side. The other fatal shot was to Ford's "right back." A third shot hit him in his "right arm." The report also says there was "a gunshot wound" through one of the edges of his liver. California Hospital called the case "a homicide" when it was reported to the L.A. County Dept. of Medical Examiner/Coroner.

The report was released following a directive from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti to make it available before the end of 2014. The LAPD had prevously placed a "security hold" on it, delaying the release.

READ MORE: LAPD Seeks Witnesses To Ezell Ford Shooting

Ford, an unarmed African-American, was shot by two LAPD officers on Aug. 11 in South L.A. near his home after making "suspicious movements." His family claims he was mentally ill.

READ MORE: Ezell Ford Family Files $75 Million Federal Lawsuit

The Los Angeles Police Dept. will be holding a press conference at 2:30 p.m.

This story is developing.

Reach Editor-at-Large Max Schwartz here; follow him on Twitter here.



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