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"Die-In" Planned For USC Iggy Azalea Concert

Arielle Samuelson |
December 4, 2014 | 2:41 p.m. PST

Web Producer

A protest is planned for Iggy Azalea's performance tonight in USC's Bovard Auditorium. (Creative Commons)
A protest is planned for Iggy Azalea's performance tonight in USC's Bovard Auditorium. (Creative Commons)

Artist Iggy Azalea's concert at USC's Bovard Auditorium Thursday night may have more social justice than music fans expected.

A facebook post called for "die-in," where protesters lie down and simulate death to bring attention to the recent killings of black Americans by police officers.

The Facebook poster asks, "Are you frustrated with the biased and inaccurate portrayal of people of color in the media? Are you tired of feeling like the plight of our people is not taken seriously? Are you angry that police are constantly getting away with murder and profiting off the loss of black lives?"

Azalea has been criticized in the past for "appropriating Black culture," according to the Facebook post.

The protestors plan to hold the die-in at Bovard, bring signs with phrases like #BlackLivesMatter and "Cameras aren't enough!", or wear black while wearing surgical masks with the message, "I can't breathe."

Read more on Facebook

Reach Web Producer Arielle Samuelson here.



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