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USC/UCLA Pre-Game Rivalry And Pranks

Belinda Cai |
November 20, 2014 | 5:03 p.m. PST

Web Producer

The rivalry between USC and UCLA has existed as long as the universities themselves have. It is intensified this week, days before the big USC/UCLA football game on Saturday. The game will take place at UCLA this year. During the week prior, Trojan Knights—those dedicated to upholding university tradition at USC—guard the wrapped up statues 24/7. The UCLA statues are similarly covered, especially after an unidentified person or group of people spraypainted "SC RUNS LA" on the Bruin statue. Trojan Knights and a member of the UCLA Community Programs Office speak out about school spirit and the famed rivalry.

Reach Web Producer Belinda Cai here and follow her on Twitter here.



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