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Santa Ana Police Make Arrests Connected To Fatal Halloween Hit And Run

Helen Carefoot |
November 2, 2014 | 4:19 p.m. PST

Web Producer

Santa Ana police arrested several suspects in connection to a fatal hit and run that killed three teenage trick or treaters on Halloween night. 

Officers made the arrests at 11:30 am Sunday, police spokesman Cpl. Anthony Bertagna told the Los Angeles Times. More details will be released at a press conference on Monday.

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Twin sisters Lexia and Lexandra Perez, 13, were trick or treating with Andrea Gonzalez, also 13, when they were hit by a driver in a Honda SUV while in a crosswalk infront of Fairhaven Elementary School, police said.

All three teenagers were declared dead at the scene. The driver and passenger fled the scene.

Read more at the Los Angeles Times and 89.3 KPCC.

Reacher Web Producer Helen Carefoot here and follow her on Twitter here.



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