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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

LIVE Election Coverage Starting at 7:30 p.m.

Neon Tommy |
November 4, 2014 | 5:55 p.m. PST

Staff Reporters

Neon Tommy and our partners in the Annenberg Media Center will be streaming live coverage of the 2014 midterm elections starting at 7:30 p.m. PST from Wallis Annenberg Hall.

SEE ALSO: How Logging Onto Facebook Can Affect The Election

Staff reporters and correspondents will be reporting live from the field throughout the evening, and political guru Max Schwartz will be offering his in-depth analysis of both local and national races.

Stay tuned!



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

Watch USC Annenberg Media's live State of the Union recap and analysis here.