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7 Interesting Ballot Measures Passed

Heidi Carreon |
November 4, 2014 | 11:19 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

(Vox Efx/Creative Commons)
(Vox Efx/Creative Commons)
A lot of ballot measures this year dealt with tax hikes, minimum wage, and marijuana, but here are some of the more interesting ballot measures passed:

A lot of ballot measures this year dealt with tax hikes, minimum wage, and marijuana, but here are some of the more interesting ballot measures passed:

1. Alabama's Amendment 1: Alabama's courts will not recognize foreign or other laws that violate Alabama's public policy or the rights of Alabama citizens. 

2. District of Columbia's Initiative 71: Marijuana is now legal in the nation's capital. 

3. Georgia's Referendum 1: Proponents claim that this will make housing costs easier on college students in the University of Georgia system. 

4. Illinois' Question 1: Minimum wage in Illinois increased to $10.

5. Illinois' Question 2: In Illinois, contraceptives are now covered by health plans that cover prescription drugs. 

6. Missouri's Amendment 2: In Missouri courts, relevant evidence of prior criminal acts is admissible in court in prosecutions of sexual crimes involving minors. 

7. Oregon's Measure 89: According to the measure, “equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the State of Oregon or by any political subdivision in this state on account of sex.” Feminists rejoice. 

Reach Staff Reporter Heidi Carreon here.



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