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7 Groups Of Celebs We Want To See On Campus

KirPedersen |
November 25, 2014 | 12:10 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Miley Cyrus at the USC v. Cal football game on Nov. 13th. (@-radiatemileyray/Tumblr)
Miley Cyrus at the USC v. Cal football game on Nov. 13th. (@-radiatemileyray/Tumblr)
Sure, UCLA may have won the football game, but at least Miley Cyrus is pro-USC. Cyrus has really been reppin’ the Trojans lately. She was caught on camera at the home football game against Cal and has been allegedly spotted around campus a few times since. Here are some other groups of celebs we’d love to run into on our way to class.

1. Classic Childhood Stars

Nothing would make a 2014 college student’s day more than a run-in with the cast of “Even Stevens” or “Drake & Josh.” These people were a huge part of our growing up, and I know one Staff Reporter in particular who would certainly not object to a casual meet and greet with Raven-Symoné. Yup, that’s me.

2. Comedians

Good old-fashioned stand-up comedy or comedic acting will always be welcome at the stress-filled USC. Will Ferrell was allegedly spotted on campus a few days ago, and a few social media posts reported that Adam Sandler was at a football game. And wouldn’t it be great to run into Chris Rock on Trousdale and have him brighten your day with his smile?

3. Pop Artists

Let’s hope Miley has started a trend. And, the Australian boyband 5 Seconds of Summer has also made an appearance on Greek Row. So, who’s next? One Direction? Maybe Britney Spears? Fingers crossed for an N’Sync reunion at the next “Conquest” concert.

Read More: Who Is That On The Sidelines?!

4. The Sexiest Men Alive

Chris Hemsworth was just named “People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive." But, honestly, I don’t think anyone would object to one of the past winners strolling across McCarthy Quad with their 5 o’clock shadows and tight V-neck shirts.

5. Athletes

Shaquille O’Neal or Kobe Bryant. David Beckham or Cristiano Ronaldo. Heck, let’s invite them all. Maybe one day we can catch the attention of ESPN or, who knows, maybe we’ll eventually be featured on a nationwide Snapchat story. And someone needs to call up the Manning brothers because, I’m sorry to say it, but our team needs a few pointers.

6. TV Actors

“Orange Is The New Black,” “Breaking Bad,” “How To Get Away With Murder” – I’m not picky. There are plenty of great casts that would truly be gracing our campus with their presence. Viola Davis and Alfred Enoch were here; now it’s someone else's turn.

7. UCLA Grads

It’s always satisfying to see UCLA grads supporting USC instead. From Sara Bareilles to Nicolas Cage to Mariska Hargitay, any and all celebrity Bruins are welcome here because, hey, we all make mistakes, right?

So, call up your famous friends and send them toward South Central. Let’s rally up the troops for next year’s rivalry week and get USC as much celeb publicity as possible. Because UCLA might have won the battle, but USC will win the war. So, as always, fight on and beat the bruins.  

Contact Staff Reporter Kirby Pedersen here and follow her on Twitter here.



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