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What Really Goes On At 'The Ellen Show'

KirPedersen |
October 31, 2014 | 3:11 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Taylor Swift on The Ellen Show, Oct. 2014 (Twitter/ @TheEllenShow)
Taylor Swift on The Ellen Show, Oct. 2014 (Twitter/ @TheEllenShow)
Anyone who has watched "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" knows that the audience members are some of the most enthusiastic people on any live show. But why is this? What goes on behind the scenes? Here are some answers to questions I’ve been asked since attending a live taping of "The Ellen Show. "

Who were the guests?

My show featured Fall Out Boy as guest performers (my middle school dream come true) and Derek Hough, an actor and a professional dancer on "Dancing With The Stars." He was really charismatic and, boy, does he have a body.

Is Ellen as great in person as she is on TV?

"The Ellen Show" films two shows on Tuesdays, so I believe Ellen was a little tired at our second taping. That being said, her energy still shone through. Every smile she flashed, every joke she told and every step she danced seemed completely genuine. And at the end of our show she gave a very heartfelt speech to the audience members. I do not believe anyone could ever paint Ellen in a bad light. She’s a fun, wonderful human being.

Where is the show?

"The Ellen Show" films in Burbank, Calif. at the Warner Brothers Studios. It’s a picturesque Southern California area with palm trees and a lot of big name corporate buildings; the Disney offices, for example, are right around the corner. And Ellen just got a new set for Season 12, so the physical seating area itself is beautiful.

Did you get prizes?

Unfortunately the audience members did not all receive a group prize in the way that they do during “12 Days of Giveaways.” But I can honestly say that attending the show was a prize in itself. I have never been surrounded by a group of nicer people.

What happens during commercial breaks?

Dancing! So much dancing. The Ellen Show DJ was great at catering to an audience full of a lot of different demographics.

How do you get tickets?

According to the website, the rest of this season is completely booked, but start here and you never know where it may lead!

Are there any backstage secrets that you can reveal to us?

There is a blown-up version of the famous Oscar's selfie in the Riff-Raff Room for you to take pictures with. But as for everything else? That’s one secret I’ll never tell. XOXO, Gossip Girl.

Still have questions? Refer to Ellen’s FAQ page to learn more.

Contact Staff Reporter Kirby Pedersen here and follow her on Twitter here.



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