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Taylor Swift's '1989' Is Finally Here

Heidi Carreon |
October 27, 2014 | 4:12 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

Now that Taylor's new album is out, it's time for fans to shake it off and dance away. (Eva Rinaldi/Flikr)
Now that Taylor's new album is out, it's time for fans to shake it off and dance away. (Eva Rinaldi/Flikr)
Taylor Swift's highly-anticipated new album, 1989 was released today. A silent eight-second track released on iTunes under 1989, according to CNN, shot to No. 1 on the Canadian iTunes charts before it was removed. But now the real deal is out, T.S. fans are sharing their excitement on social media:

SEE MORE: Taylor Swift Is Named Billboard Woman Of The Year


Read more from CNN here.

Reach Web Producer Heidi Carreon here



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