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Shelly Sterling Defamation Countersuit Dismissed

Jeremy Bergman |
October 20, 2014 | 2:48 p.m. PDT

Sports Director

Shelly Sterling can continue her lawsuit against V. Stiviano after today's announcement. (Wikimedia Commons)
Shelly Sterling can continue her lawsuit against V. Stiviano after today's announcement. (Wikimedia Commons)
Shelly Sterling is off the hook. 

A judge today dismisses allegations made by Donald Sterling's former lover V. Stiviano against the ex-co-owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, claiming Mrs. Sterling called her a "thief."

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Fruin reversed course and accepted the motion from Mrs. Sterling's lawyers to toss Stiviano's countersuit.

SEE ALSO: USC Sports Business Association Panel Talks Clippers Crisis, Social Media

Mrs. Sterling's lawyers claimed Stiviano's suit warranted dismissal because it infringed on Mrs. Sterling's free speech, alleging that what she may have said in the media about Stiviano was a "phantom statement."

Mrs. Sterling's suit against Stiviano, which she opened on August 7, alleges that Stiviano is a deceptive woman who "engages in conduct designed to target, befriend, seduce and then...receives as gifts transfers of wealthfrom older men whom she targets for such purposes."

In prosecuting Stiviano, Mrs. Sterling and her lawyers seek the return of all cash, real estate, cars or other belongings considered community property that Mr. Sterling may have given Stiviano.

Her case will resume March 9.

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