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Race Heats Up Between Kuehl And Shriver for L.A. County Supervisor

Joyce Jude Lee, Zoe Ward |
October 7, 2014 | 11:40 a.m. PDT

Web Producers

3rd District L.A. Supervisor candidates Sheila Kuehl and Bobby Shriver (Twitter/L.A. Times)
3rd District L.A. Supervisor candidates Sheila Kuehl and Bobby Shriver (Twitter/L.A. Times)
The race between Sheila Kuehl and Bobby Shriver for the seat on board of Los Angeles County Supervisors is heating up as the November 4 election date quickly approaches. 

Kuehl and Shriver, who have similar platforms and liberal leaning ideologies, are facing off to replace retiring Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky. The retiring supervisor has played a centrist role on the board throughout his service, favoring progressive social policies and a conservative fiscal stance. 

Because the winner of the race will join two Democrats, Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas and Hilda Solis, and two Republicans, Mike Antonovich and Don Knabe, many say the two candidates would be smart to position themselves in a more centrist stance to pick up broader support in the election and to maintain balance on the board. 

Both candidates realize what challenges lie ahead of them, including the fiscal budget, child care system, health care legislation, and the ever present issues relating to the drought. Shriver and Kuehl have both shaped their running platforms to address these concerns. Another issue that the winning candidate will face include building a new jail and rooting out the abuse of inmates within facilities.

Sheila Kuehl's Platform: 

1. Improve social and child welfare (i.e. foster youth)

2. Advocate juvinile justice and education

3. Heavy focus on the budget and maintain fiscal solvency

4. Improve and increase affordability of public transportation in Los Angeles

5. Ensure that the healthcare plans roll out in a timely and appropriate manner

Bobby Shriver's Platform:

1. Increase government transparency and hold meetings throughout the country to provide information for citizens

2. Reform the foster care system 

3. End homelessness among veterans in Los Anegeles County

4. Improve public transportation in the county

5. Reduc reliance on imported water and stop polluted storm water from draining to the ocean

Kuehl and Shriver were the two candidates that won the primary, which happened this past June. The candidate who came in third during the primary was John Duran, who presented himself as a moderate alternative to Kuehl and Shriver. The platforms of the winners seem to align with those of the individuals in the 3rd district, who are known to be moderate to progressive and fiscally responsible.

Both candidates sought endorsement from the running-up candidate, who only had positive things to say about the primary winners. Duran told the L.A. Times that Kuehl has the "really strong, pro-business and pro-economic development people to her side" while Shriver demonstrates an ability to unite "working class and urban people."

Shriver says that he is "committed to bring my local government and private sector experience to make county government work" for everyone. On the other hand, Kuehl says that she will focus on "social welfare, child welfare, transportation, and budget, budget, budget," among other things. 

To reach Web Producer Joyce Lee, click here. To reach Web Producer Zoe Ward, click here



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