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NBA Agrees To Enormous T.V. Deal

Heidi Carreon |
October 6, 2014 | 10:47 a.m. PDT

Web Producer

 The new deal is the latest evidence of the NBA's current financial affluence. (Robert Occhialini/Flikr)
The new deal is the latest evidence of the NBA's current financial affluence. (Robert Occhialini/Flikr)
The NBA agreed to a new 9-year contract with ESPN and TNT, according to USA TODAY. The deal that will start in 2016-17 is worth $24 billion, which is three times larger than the league's current contract.

The NBA is going through a period of financial affluence, as evidenced by the new deal and raised salary cap for the 2014-15 season.

Read More from USA TODAY here

Reach web producer Heidi Carreon here



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