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Monica Lewinsky Joins Twitter, Campaigns To End Cyberbullying

Shoko Oda |
October 20, 2014 | 2:39 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

Monica Lewinsky spoke at Forbes Under 30 Summit on Monday. /@HvMComm via Twitter
Monica Lewinsky spoke at Forbes Under 30 Summit on Monday. /@HvMComm via Twitter
 The former White House intern, who instigated one of the most notorious scandals of 1990s, just joined Twitter on Monday.

Not only did Monica Lewinsky, most famous for her affair with then-President Bill Clinton, join the social media-verse on Monday; she also spoke about her past, experience, and campaign against cyberbullying at the Forbes Under 30 Summit on Monday. 

SEE ALSO: Full Transcript: Monica Lewinsky Speaks Out On Ending Online Abuse

Reach Web Producer Shoko Oda here



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