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Michael Phelps Suspended By USA Swimming

Ashley Yang |
October 6, 2014 | 3:18 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

(Michiel Jelijs/Creative Commons)
(Michiel Jelijs/Creative Commons)
USA Swimming handed down a six-month suspension to Michael Phelps on Monday, after the Olympic-winner was found to have violated the organization's Code of Conduct.

The suspension came in response to Phelps' arrest for driving under the influence last week in Baltimore - the second time that the swimmer has been arrested for drunken driving. He pled guilty to the first instance of charges in 2004. 

The organization has withdrawn Phelps from the 2015 FINA World Championship team. Phelps will forfeit his stipend as a national team member until April 5, 2015 and has agreed to halt his training to enter an inpatient program for his drinking problem.

Read more at the New York Times

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